Muscle testing and future health

The practice of applied kinesiology

Although Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a relative newcomer to the field of healing, it is a diagnostic technique with its roots in ancient Chinese medicine. AK, orginally developed in the 1960s by Dr. George Goodheart, offers the practitioner a wide variety of alternative disciplines to aid the health and healing of patients.

Applied kinesiology address whether or not the body is headed towards disease. The AK practitioner directly tests your body for muscle weaknesses and can find many different types of imbalances throughout the body.

During an AK session, Dr. Jen will test the strength of many muscles throughout your body, and how each muscle responds to a variety of stimulants, including physical manipulation, foods, allergens, heavy metals, and supplements. Dr. Jen analyzes the results of the tests to not only identify and generally rule out diseases, but also to provide a glimpse at future diseases. Dr. Jen practices AK as part of her commitment to restoring and maintaining the patient's overall health, not just treating a symptom.

"Ignore your health and it will go away!."