Bio-Meridian Testing is one of several alternatives that may be used to identify the right course of treatement. Contact us to set up a consultation.
Health Energy Testing
Meridian Stress Assessment for comprehensive evaluation of health*
Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) is a diagnostic used to determine the energetic balance of the patient's body. Dr. Jen recommends BioMeridian Testing as one method for determining a course of treatment to bring the body back into healthy balance.
According to European medical research, acupuncture points are related to the body's organs and organ systems. Major groups of points interconnect through channels, or meridians. Twenty of these meridians begin or end on the hands and feet.
The MSA involves measuring electrical conductivity at these meridians, or responsive points, typically at the same locations used in acupuncture. Once the initial measurements have been taken, Dr. Jen reviews the results to determine if stress values fall above or below equilibrium. Using the extensive computer database with the MSAS, she will consider and make recommendations from a wide range of treatment courses to regain health balance, including herbal, homeopathic and nutritional products.
Biomeridian testing and analysis with the MSAS provide a completely non-invasive method for gaining valuable information about the body's vital functions. Dr. Jen uses the MSAS to disclose patterns of stress and provide feedback for creating a thorough program to restore each system and meridian to an appropriate balance.**
*Information on BioMeridian Testing and MSAS is taken from the pamphlet "Bring Your Life Back to a Healthy Balance, published by Biomeridan International.
**Neither the MSAS®-Professional or the MSAS®-InSite meridian stress assessment system provide a medical diagnosis. If patients suspect that they need medical intervention, they should consult their physicians who can provide medical diagnosis and preswcribe appropriate treatment regimens.
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Meridians or channels define the energy flow of the body.