If you know a child with....

... or other chronic issues, urge the child's parents to consider chiropractic care.

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Children's Chiropractic Care

Growing into a lifetime of good health

Chiropractic care can help your child attain his or her full potential through every stage of development.


The normal birthing process places a tremendous amount of stress on the baby's neck. Additional stress occurs if the baby's head presents in any other than a posterior occuput position (the baby's face is down). Any interventions, such as vacuum or forceps, causes even more trauma to the head and neck. Consider that many obstetricians traction the head during normal birth, using from 40 to 70 pounds of pressure, to birth the shoulder. This amount of pressure can cause subluxations to the cervical spine (neck) and damage the nerves that exit off the spine.

The first year

Even if your child comes through the birth process withou subluxations, they can occur afterwards. Remember that babies' neck muscles are weak and unable to support the head. And although car seats are designed to protect a baby in a crash, they lack support for the neck needed during normal driving and acceleration. Stopping and accelerating the car causes the head to move forward and back, and side-to-side, which can cause the vertebrae to subluxate.

During the first year, a baby's spine grows rapidy, by 50%, and such rapid growth increases the chances that something could go wrong. This is also the point at which the baby devops the secondary curves of the spine (the neck and lower back). Regular chiropractic checkups ensure that the child's spine is developing properly, and identify potential for scoliosis, or curvature of the spine.


As children begin to walk, they fall an extraordinary number of times, and the trauma to the spine can build up over time. As they get older, kids become more active, and those who regularly participate in sports face even higher risks for subluxations. So does the child who regularly hunches over a computer or a hand-held game! You can see that it's essential to provide regular chiropractic checkups to ensure that your child's spine is subluxation-free, allowing him or her to endure more physical stress with less risk of injury.

Causes of subluxation

While physical trauma is the most obvious reason for subluxations in children, emotional and chemical (toxic) stress can also cause subluxations. Exposure to any of these causes, such as falls or indoor pollution, doesn't always result in an obvious symptom. So it's important, to schedule regular checkups to identify nerve interference, even if no symptoms are present.

In today's society, children face emotional stress from an increasing number of sources, such as divorce, violence and peer pressure. Toxic stress has become more of an issue as well, with bewildering increases in pollution, packaged foods with additives, and the number of recommended vaccines. Toxic overload is a real issue for children as well as adults, and chiropractic care can help children adapt to these stresses and function at a higher level.

Parents know that it's important that children get regular dental and medical checkups. Spinal checkups from birth onward are essential too, and more and more educated parents are choosing regular chiropractic care, becasue they know that their children are healthier and happier!

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"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us. ... and they seldome offter thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted."
--Garrison Keillor