Dillon Natural Health remains open during construction and remodeling. Contact us if you have questions about your appointments or our office schedule.
Dillon Natural Health Center
What you should know about us
Dr. Jen and the staff of Dillon Natural Health are committed to treating the whole person, not just a few symptoms. And we work with you to determine exactly how and if a particular course of treatment can help you.
The typical patient at Dillon encounters three stages of care on the way to building a lifetime of good health:
Relief Care
Relief Care, the initial stage of treatment, focuses on symptomatic relief of pain and other discomforts. During relief care, patients are usually adivsed to "take it easy", but encouraged to stay mobile if there is no risk of further injury.
Corrective Care
Corrective care consists of therapies and treatments designed to correct the underlying condition and to heal and rehabilitate injured tissues. Proper corrective care is essential to ensuring a favorable outcome and preventing future recurrences of the problem.
During the course of a corrective care program, patients are encouraged to follow the recommendations for diet and exercise, and to keep appointments. Because, while initial pain and discomfort have subsided, full tissue healing and functional correction often require additional treatments.
Wellness Care
Think of periodic spinal checkups as preventive care. Just as you would visit the dentist regularly to keep teeth and gums healthy, continuing with a wellness care program is essential for optimum spinal health. The wellness care stage of treatement at Dillon focuses on keeping the spine normalized, by having a periodic checkup. The frequency of a checkup depends on the factors in an individual patient's treatment program.
Contact the staff at Dillon to schedule a consultation or if you have questions about any stage of care.
Greetings from Dr. Jen
Hello, my name is Dr. Jennifer Dillon, and I want to personally welcome you to Dillon Natural Health.
I chose chiropractic as my life's work because I found it worked for me. When I was a senior in high school in Greensboro, NC, I suffered from debilitating headaches. Although my physician performed extensive tests, including an MRI, bone scan, and extensive blood tests, I was ultimately told there was nothing wrong with me. When prescribed pain medications and rest had no effect, my mother took me to a chiropractor, and within three weeks, my headaches were resolved.
While in chiropractic school, I was introduce to a doctor specializing in nutrition. He tested my food allergies with a machine called the BioMeridian. After eliminating the sources (wheat, dairy, and aspartame), my life changed. The acne I suffered from since the sixth grade cleared up, I could think clearly and focu, and for the first time in years, I could pop out of bed in the morning with energy for the entire day. Natural health care gave me the ambition to learn, work and live.
I have since completed extensive studies in Clinical Nutrition, Applied Kinesiology and Acupuncture. I focus my practice on healing the body, rather than just covering up symptoms, and I'm committed to working with each client to determine the best way to achieve a healthy and balanced life.
©2003-2004. Dillon Natural Health Center
All rights reserved.
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"The preservation of health is easier than the cure for disease."
--B.J. Palmer